Letter to Obama
The Hon. Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
451 6th Street NW
Washington DC 10001
New Delhi, December 2008-12-08
Dear President Elect,
I hereby wish to add my voice to the growing choir (as part of the initiative MILLION FAX ON WASHINGTON –www.faxonwashington.org – orchestrated by Stephen Bassett of Paradigm Research Group) that is calling for you, as the next President of the United States, to release the critical information that certain agencies of the US Government have withheld for more than six decades regarding the evidence of a powerful and multiple Extraterrestrial presence on Earth and in neighbouring space and the activities of this Alien presence, conducted with or without the knowledge, consent and participation of certain US Government agencies that operate within the Intelligence Community and the Military-Industrial complex..
A very large number of books, films, articles, scientific papers and media reports have appeared in recent years, all confirming the existence of this Extraterrestrial technologically advanced factor in our age. Enough witnesses and whistleblowers, endowed with verified official credentials have publicly testified and enough secret documents have been leaked and declassified by now to make it no longer possible for the Government of the United States to credibly deny or cover up the situation and the role that some of its agencies are playing in it, possibly outside the supervision and without the knowledge of the highest elected executive and legislative officials.
I take the liberty to refer you to the issue No.2 , Vol. 12 of the World Affairs Journal (Summer 2008) (www.worldaffairsjournal.com) entitled “Building a New World – a Synthesis of Tradition of Tradition and Discovery” which records a large amount of official testimonies and reports on issue of Ufology/Exopolitics, including articles by the former Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister of Canada, Hon. Paul Hellyer and former British Defence Official Nick Pope who are unambiguous about the nature and importance of the phenomenon under consideration.
Some members of your future administration, including the co-chair of your transition team John Podesta, your cabinet appointees, Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico and Governor Janet Napolitano of Arizona, are well aware of the real UFO/ET situation and of the official cover up that still remains in force. And at least two of them have gone on record calling on the US Government to disclose the current state of its information regarding ET matters and its suspected collaboration with certain Alien visitors. Representative Dennis Kucinich has also spoken and acted in support of a new policy of openness and transparency with regard to the Extraterrestrial files and the US military activities in space.
The ever spreading culture of secrecy, conspiracy and unaccountability, especially with regard to national security, scientific research and intelligence matters, has already caused great harm to the standing and reputation of the United States in the world and has fostered the deep distrust that too many of its citizens harbour towards their Government and especially towards the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community.
It is eagerly hoped that your professed will to bring about a sea change in the manner in which your country acts and conducts its domestic and foreign affairs will lead you to open up the issue of Extraterrestrial visits, contacts and its potentially immense implications for the future of mankind and its spiritual, economic, scientific and cultural evolution in this age of acute crisis.
I wish you, together with most people in the world, the greatest success in the momentous task you have assumed in trying to save the United States from impending disaster and hope that this task will include the full disclosure of the Extraterrestrial dossiers held by the agencies of your government, in keeping with United Nations’ General Assembly Decision No. 33/426, 1978.
Yours Sincerely, with respectful greetings
Come Carpentier de Gourdon
Convener of the Editorial Advisory Board
World Affairs Journal
D-322 Defence Colony
New Delhi, India