Comments on your book
These are the comments I can make on Dr. Michael Salla’s new book: THE CHALLENGE OF EXOPOLITICS:
“Michael Salla’s new book raises probably the most important issue and yet also the most ignored and misunderstood one among those confronting mankind today. He analyzes systematically, on the basis of a number of official documents and personal testimonies from witnesses, the systems and methods devised by some major powers under the leadership of the United States, to deal with and respond to the revelation of a massive, technologically advanced Extraterrestrial presence since the second World War.
In doing so, the author incidentally exposes some of the major but hidden factors for the Cold War, the seemingly unjustifiable growth of the military-industrial complex in the US and lately the major economic crisis now befalling America and the world. It appears, in the light of Salla’s research, that more than one trillion Dollars a year has been covertly diverted from the US economy by the CIA and the Pentagon, over and above the official defense budgets, partly in order to finance an extremely complex and ambitious program, in the likeness of the Manhattan project, for reverse engineering of ET technology and for building a planetary defense system. This has been done by an unacknowledged, unelected, unsurpervised secret or “deep” government which has mostly operated outside the law and the framework of the Constitution on an international level,sponsoring a very large number of “black” projects, otherwise known as Special Access or Controlled Access Programs, without any regard for budgetary stability or the welfare of the civilian economy which seems to have thereby been hallowed out over the years.
The thesis laid out by Salla provides convincing reasons to believe in the existence of this long-suspected secret government, which has been accused of carrying out a number of far-reaching actions abroad and on the home soil, such as the JFK and RFK assassinations and the 911 “false flag” attacks in New York and Washington. The author cites and discusses a number of testimonies alleging that the US secret government has made agreements with certain Extraterrestrial visitors who have gained pervasive and probably undue influence over it. He proposes an alternative policy of disclosure, openness, public debate and scrutiny to deal with the Extraterrestrial challenge in a global cooperative manner, as opposed to the secretive, arbitrary and illegal methods used so far. This book does not just show us a time bomb ticking away under our current civilization. It also gives us a sensible method to disarm that bomb.”
Is this what you need? I propose to comment your book in an article that I will write in december, if you don’t have an objection.
Warm Regards,