Uploaded in : 2006
AFRI, volume VII, 2006
Variations on the Global Society
Jacques Chevallier, Rule of Law and International Relations
Jean-Pierre Colin, Variations on Development
Jeremy Bendik-Keymer, The Apathetic Citizen. When State Institutions Do Not Reflect Human Rights Consistently
Julian Fernandez, ICC: Genesis and Decline of ‘Rome spirit’
Gaidz Minassian, For a Geopolitics of Diasporas
Jean-Bernard Raimond, John-Paul II, a Pope at the Heart of History. 1978-2005
Philippe Blanchard, The Death of Pope John-Paul II in the French Media
Gérald Arboit, How the Media Cover Catastrophes. The Case of the Tsunami on Saint-Steven 2004
The European Area : Stakes and Debates
Pierre Buhler, Europe and Power
Guy le Borgne, European Union and the Rule of Law
Baptiste Chatré, National minority: a European concept
Laurent Hassid, Slovenia, Caught between the Alps and the Balkans
Tetyana Boburka and Stéphane Delory, Which Solutions for Ukraine? The Orange Revolution and New Security Perspectives
Jérôme Pasinetti, The Russian-Chechen Conflict, an Echo for the Clash of Civilizations?
Levent Unsaldi, Defence in Turkey. Between Continuity, Singularity, and Unanimity
India, China and the Others
Samuel Berthet and Côme de Carpentier de Gourdon , India on the Verge of a Multi-polar World
Baskar Rosaz, The Second Nuclear Indian Age. The Range and the Limits of the Nuclear Diplomacy of a Pivotal Power
Laurent Gayer, Privatising Foreign Policy in Southern Asia. Analysing ‘Cricket Diplomacy’ between India and Pakistan
Isabelle Saint Mézard, Chinese-Indian Relations. Recent Evolutions and Upcoming Trends
Philomène Robin, Chinese Diplomacy Faced with the Second North-Korean Nuclear Crisis
Chronology 2005
Coordinated by Yann Bedzigui and Hewane Serequeberhan, research associates, with the participation of students from the Master in International Relations of the Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II).
Specific Issue
France and the World, edited by Daniel Colard
Charles Cogan, The French Style of Diplomacy
Georges Ayache, Power and Influence within Post-Cold War International Relations. The Case of France
Philippe Bourassé, The French Parliament and International Relations
Gérald Arboit, France’s International Information Channel. Coming to Terms with Old Facts
Hewane Serequeberhan, France’s African Policy. A Wavering Policy Since 2002
Habib Gherari, French-Israeli Relations from 2002 to 2005. Between Passion and Reason
France in the Construction of Europe, edited by Fabrice Picod
Jean-Claude Gautron, The Failure of the European Constitution in France
Ch. Bidégaray and Christine Pina, Replicas of the French ‘No’ to the European Constitution
Gérard Soulier, France and Turkey’s Candidacy to the European Union
Chrystelle Nourry, The ‘Special’ Franco-German Relationship: Impending Divorce?
European Union as an Actor in International Relations, edited by Renaud Dehousse
Renaud Dehousse, Does Political Europe Still Has a Future?
Eric Dacheux, Reflections on the Audiovisual Covering of the French Referendum
Thomas Bertin and Alexandre Vulic, Ten Years After, Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Action of the European Union
Claire Brodin , The Efficiency of the European Aid to Development
Jolyon Howorth, The European Union and the Fight Against Terrorism in the Transatlantic Prism
American Foreign Policy, edited by Guillaume Parmentier
Robert Malley, The Bush Administration and the Middle East Peace Process
Mark Tessler, The American Occupation of Iraq. American and Iraqi perspectives
Charles Kupchan, The Travails of Union. The American Experience and its Implications for Europe
Susan Sechler and Joe Guinan, The United States, Europe, and Trade and Agricultural International Negotiations Under G.W. Bush
Célia Belin , Evangelicals in the United States and American Foreign Policy
Media and International Society, edited by Michel Mathien
Jean-Paul Marthoz, Journalism’s Quest for Values in the United States
Gérald Arboit, The Journalist is the Hostage during War Information
Alain Kiyindou and Jean-Louis Fullsack, For a Critical Approach to the World Summit on the Information Society
Olivier Arifon and Philippe Ricaud, Controlling the Internet in China: the Two Sides of the Coin. A Look at the Information Society
Michel Mathien, The Future of the France-Presse Agency Is Questioned Again
International Political Economics, edited by Jacques Fontanel and Françoise Nicolas
Jacques Fontanel and Fanny Coulomb, International Speculation and Financial Regulation
Michel Aglietta, Global Financial Imbalances and the International Currency System
Mayeul Kauffmann, Do IMF, World Bank and WTO Actions Reduce Domestic or International Conflicts?
Security Doctrines and Theories, edited by Yves Boyer
Yves Boyer, European Armies Confronted to Multi-nationality. Modernity or Masked Impotence?
Gilles Rouby, NATO and the EU. Partnership or Competition?
André Dumoulin, Potential Futures of the ESDP after the Rejection of the European Constitutional Treaty. Of Operational Flexibility around a Weakened Common Ground
Stéphane Delory , The Transformation of the Russian Defence System
International Crises and Conflicts, edited by Alexandra Novosseloff
Alexandra Novosseloff and Patrice Sartre, The Use of Force in the UN Peacekeeping Operations. Legal Foundations, Political and Military Organisation
Emmanuel Bargues, The United Nations Faced with the Challenge of Strengthening Social Peace
Laurent Gayer, It’s Getting Red. Socio-political Crises and Renewal of Revolutionary Maoism in the Indian Subcontinent
Disarmament, Arms Control and Non Proliferation, edited by Bernard Sitt
E. de Gonneville, The Seventh Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty of Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. A Step in a Regime Crisis?
David Bertolotti, The Hague Code of Conduct against the Proliferation of Ballistic Missiles. The Regime that Did Not Exist?
Sébastien Jaunet, G8 Global Partnership. More Cooperation for More Security?
Paul Dahan, From Non-Proliferation to Counter-Proliferation. From a Recomposed Past to a Future Perfect.
Globalization, Multilateralism and Global Governance edited by Philippe Moreau Defarges
Philippe Moreau Defarges, The UN Reform: Obsessive and Impossible
Catherine de Ginestel, The UN’s Fate Confronted to States’ Choices. Stakes and Power Relationships around its Reform
Philippe Le Prestre, International Governance of the Environment. A French Initiative
Thomas Bernauer and Thomas Sattler, WTO Disputes on Environmental and Consumers’ Protection
Saskia Sassen, Globalization and the State. De-nationalized Participation
Olivia de Maleville, Towards the Enlarging of the Panamá Canal? Stakes of Adjusting the Inter-Ocean Passage when Global Maritime Trade is being Transformed
Bibliographic Review
Edited by Anne Dulphy, with the cooperation of Yann Bedzigui, Célia Belin, Tetyana Boburka, Baptiste Chatré,Julian Fernandez,Hewane Serequeberhan, Research Associates of the Centre Thucydide.
Uploaded in : 2005
AFRI, volume VI, 2005
Abstracts are classified by alphabetical order of the authors’ names.
Air conditioning and its discontents , Patrick ALLARD
Are forests an object in international relations? , Dominique D’ANTIN DE VAILLAC
Still very much of an Entente Cordiale between France and Great Britain… , Gérald ARBOIT
Media and the political exploitation of information services , Gérald ARBOIT and Michel MATHIEN
The Israeli nuclear armament , Abdelwahab BIAD
The trial of Slobodan Milosevic , Femke BLANQUAERT
The Turkish candidacy to the European Union , Alain BOCKEL
Coalition operations. Organization modes and hidden dangers , Yves BOYER
Transatlantic tensions over the United Nations and the use of force , Esther BRIMMER
France and the European protection of human rights , Laurence BURGORGUE- LARSEN
Strategic cooperation between Nordic countries , Matthieu CHILLAUD and Sophie ENOS ATTALI
Variations on the European construction , Jean-Pierre COLIN
The European elections in June 2004 : European and French perspectives , Olivier COSTA
PSI : an advanced post in the fight against proliferation , Paul DAHAN
The kingdom of Saudi Arabia , Fatiha DAZI-HENI
The semantics of the European security “Strategy” , André DUMOULIN
Chinese-American relations since the end of the Cold War , Stéphane DUSO-BAUDUIN
The Iranian nuclear crisis , Philippe ERRERA
Scarcity and international peace , Jacques FONTANEL
Non-lethal arms , David HUMAIR and Christophe PERRON
South Caucasus and the European Union , Annie JAFALIAN
Transnational firms, corruption, States , Philippe JANOT
The UN Security Council and the campaign against terrorism , Chantal DE JONGE OUDRAAT
The international community seen by jurists , Emmanuelle JOUANNET
New international intervention in Haiti , Sophie JOUINEAU
“Information society” : perspectives for the Tunis Summit , Alain KIYNDOU
General considerations on violence and international law , Robert KOLB
The three generations of international penal justice , Renaud DE LA BROSSE
What if Europe deconstructed itself… , Maxime LEFEBVRE
Francophony as an actor in International Relations , Béatrice MAJZA
American media as an anti-model , Michel MATHIEN
Cryptology and international relations , Ivan MAXIMOFF
Both Europes within the European Union : cohabitation or coexistence , Milan MILANOV
The Russian-Chechen War, an Endless Conflict , Gaïdz MINASSIAN
Security cooperations tackling transnational crime in Central Asia , Lucia MONTANARO-JANKOVSKI
Justice for Saddam Hussein , Nada MOURTADA SABBAH
Medias in the doldrums during the Haiti crisis , Bruno OLLIVIER
Peacekeeping and strengthening in African post-colonies , Mamert Lié ONANA
The United States and NATO , Guillaume PARMENTIER
Technology at the core of European policy , Xavier PASCO
International society and SARS , Michèle POULAIN
Georgia in the heart of the “great game” , Pierre RAZOUX
Darfur : how are African crises managed? , Elodie RICHE
The European Defense Agency : towards the future or from Venus to Mars? , Anita ROTH
A praise of the Security Council , Serge SUR
Of the correct use of the reform of Palestinian institutions , François- Xavier TREGAN
Forty years after, IPS , Patricio TUPPER
Developing countries and the Washington Consensus , Dimitri UZUNIDIS
Political responsibility on the international scene , Jérôme VANACHTER
The impact of the war in Iraq on the American political scene , François VERGNIOLLE DE CHANTAL
For a theory of the diplomatic discourse , Constanze VILLAR
The strategic illogic of preventive war , Stephen M. WALT
New American practices in the field of legitimate defense? , Philippe WECKEL
Towards a “Europe puissance” or just intergovernmental cosmetics , Wolfgang WESSELS
Uploaded in : 2005
AFRI, volume V, 2004
Abstracts are classified by alphabetical order of the authors’ names.
Understanding American support for Israel , Dana ALLIN and Steven SIMON
France’s international information channel , Gérald ARBOIT
Nuclear weapons and Indian security , Rajesh M. BASRUR
The occupation of Iraq , Madjid BENCHIKH
Global Firms and Social Norms , Pierre BERTHAUD and Michel ROCCA
The fight against weapons mass destruction is at a crossroads , Abdelwahab BIAD
The African Union between texts and reality , Albert BOURGI
Smaller and greater history around the Iraqi crisis , Yves BOYER
The Bush doctrine of preemption , Esther BRIMMER
NEPAD: an African political initiative , Claire BRODIN
Power and demography , Pierre BUHLER
How are NICT compatible with the informal economy in Africa ? , Annie CHENEAU-LOQUAY
International economy according to Paul Krugman , Steven COISSARD
The Paris-Berlin-Moscow axis , Daniel COLARD
Variations on foreign policy , Jean-Pierre COLIN
Essay on a post-modern despotism: demo-despotism , Bernard CUBERTAFOND
Disarmament: preserving the legacy and reviving the enterprise , Paul DAHAN
The Echelon network and the US information power , Claude DELESSE
The euro/dollar face to face , Michel DEVOLUY
Transatlantic allergy , Jean DUFOURCQ
The United States North-Korean policy , Robert DUJARRIC
The initiative of the Four and European Defence , André DUMOULIN
Security stakes in Central Asia , Isabelle FACON
The international management of great programs in scientific research , Joël FELTESSE
Before and beyond Cancun , Guy FEUER, in partnership with Ange OURAGA
The World Summit on information society , Pascal FORTIN
The United States’ return within UNESCO , Divina FRAU-MEIGS
The contradictions of the US foreign policy during the Iraqi crisis , Thierry GARCIN
Pakistan: a State in formation in a context of domestic and foreign turmoil , Laurent GAYER
The transatlantic strategic fight , Jean-Paul HEBERT
Le groupe France-Antilles , Gilles KRAEMER
The UN and the Iraqi crisis , Gabrielle LAFARGE and Alexandra NOVOSSELOFF
France and the Eastern enlargement of the European Union , Françoise de LA SERRE
France and the Convention on Europe’s future , Anne LEVADE
Djihad fighters in Occident , Jean-Luc MARRET
The antipersonnel landmine dilemma , Isabelle MARQUES-GROSS
The crisis of the Anglo-Saxon information model with the ‘War in Iraq’ , Michel MATHIEN
Is trans-regionalism the new horizon of regionalism? , David M. MILLIOT
Transcaucasia is dead, long live Southern Caucasia ? , Gaïdz MINASSIAN
The end of the United Nations ? , Philippe MOREAU DEFARGES
Television coverings of ‘the war in Iraq’ , Claude NOSAL and Vincent LOWY
France and Germany through the Iraqi crisis , Xavier PACREAU
The ‘Iraqi Freedom’ campaign , Jean-Jacques PATRY
Mastering violence in the Ivory Coast Republic , Jean-Jacques PATRY
The consequences of the war in Iraq on the petrol market , Jacques PERCEBOIS
Catalysis diplomacy and normative creation , Frédéric RAMEL
France and criminal law in Europe , Lionel RINUY
China and the outer space , Isabelle SOURBES-VERGER
The new international context of security : a stake for the disarmament process , Serge SUR
Political stakes and diplomacy in the United States , François VERGNIOLLE DE CHANTAL
Security and liberalism in the United States , Christophe WASINSKI
Uploaded in : 2005
AFRI, volume IV, 2003
International relations – theories
DELCOURT Barbara, Discourse analysis as a method for studying CFSP : an important contribution
MARTRES Jean-Louis , About the necessity of a theory for international relations
FRANK Robert, History of mental maps and perceptions
KEBABDJIAN Gérard, The international object in the economic theory
Diplomacy and security
DAVID Dominique, Thinking security in a fluid world
ANDRÉANI Gilles, War against terrorism
MOURTADA Nada, Military courts in the United States 25 novembre 2003
COLARD-FABREGOULE Catherine, The Charter of collective security of the OCSE
PRADON Hélène, The stakes of security and stability in Central Asia
CHILLAUD Matthieu, Greenland, between geographic constraints and strategic assets
What transatlantic security policy? a Euro-American dialogue
SUR Serge, Introduction
KORB Lawrence, Problèmes de sécurité dans un nouvel ordre mondial
GRAND Stephen R., Défense territoriale : la mission de l’OTAN dans le nouveau siècle
DAALDER Ivo H., The use of force in a changing world
ALIBONI Roberto, Le Golfe, le Proche-Orient et les Balkans ; divergences et convergences transatlantiques
COBBOLD Richard, Opérations de stabilisation ; faire la guerre, maintenir la paix
SITT Bernard, The control on weapons of mass destruction
BOYER Yves, The European Union’s Policy of Security and Defence
The enlargement of the European Union
PEROTTINO Michel, The enlargement from a Czech point of view
SOARE Sorina , Prospects of Romania’s European integration
LOROT Pascal , The Baltic countries and the enlargement of the European Union
LEBRETON ISabelle, International chronology
1. France and the world
COLARD Daniel, Introduction
COHEN Samy, A diplomatic cohabitation
MOREAU Michel , About the international influence of French laws
2. France and the construction of Europe
PICOD Fabrice, Introduction
GAUDIN Hélène, The presidential elections and Europe
DELOCHE-GAUDEZ Florence, The presidency of the European Convention
3. The European Union as an actor of the international relations
REMACLE Eric, Introduction
FORET François, The protocol of the European Union or the implementation of an unfinished
ROBERT Cécile, Social Europe towards its enlargement
4. American foreign policy
PARMENTIER Guillaume, Introduction
SERFATY Simon, Permanent tensing : thinking about Francophobia in Washington
FOMERAND Jacques, The American practice of multilateralism
SIONNEAU Bernard, Conservative networks and the new American security doctrine
JAFALIAN Annie, American policy evolution in the Caspian Sea region
5.International crisis and conflicts
BOYER Yves, Introduction
SUR Serge, Rational or reasonable ? The project of an impending military intervention
FACON Isabelle, Foreign policy in Putin’s Russia
FONTANEL Jacques, Russia’s military expenditures at the beginning of the 21st century
6.New technology and international relations
SITT Bernard, Introduction
KRAUSE Keith, Critical and constructivist approach to security studies
GRONDIN David, Thinking the American strategy of the security of the national territory
SITT Bernard, The American Nuclear Posture Review and the strategic frame of the Bush Administration
7.Media and international society
GUILHAUDIS Jean-François, Introduction
KLEIN Jean, The Treaty on strategic offensive reductions and the new relations between
LEVAL Henri, How to fight against chemical weapons? Faust among us
DUMOULIN André, Open Skies : the waiting has ended
DAHAN Paul, From disarmament-development to development-disarmament ? The revelation
8.International political economy
FONTANEL Jacques, COULOMB Fanny, Introduction
CHAMPEYRACHE Clotilde, Mafia infiltration in legal economy
GREFFE Xavier , SAMSON Ivan, A white book about the perspective of a common European economic
BRAUER Jurgen, ROUX André, Peace as an international public good
9.Global governance
MOREAU-DESFARGES Philippe, Introduction
VALLÉE Annie, The fight against the greenhouse effect
DENIS Benjamin, States and the politics of global warming
POULIGNY Béatrice, The ‘construction of peace’
10.Media and international society
MATHIEN Michel, Introduction
MATHIEN Michel, Media towards the Occidental security evolution
ARBOIT Gérald, Roles and functions of images of cadavers in the media
TÉTU Jean-François, GARCIN-MARROU Isabelle, The second Intifada and terrorism
BLANCHARD Philippe, Les grands médias français face au conflit israélo-palestinien depuis la seconde intifada, difficile neutralité
MUSSO Pierre, Le naufrage de Vivendi Universal : démembement ou recentrage ?
11.New technology and international relations
WARUSFEL Bertrand, Introduction
Uploaded in : 2005
AFRI, volume III, 2002
Serge SUR, Questioning the American hegemony
September 11th
Marcel MERLE, Murder in the Global Village
François HEISBOURG, What Threatens Europe ?
Jean-Luc MARRET, September 11th, 2001, or Terrorism between the 20th and the 21st Century
Isabelle FACON, September 11th : a New Impetus in Russian-American Relations ?
Charles-Philippe DAVID, Security globalization : hope or illusion
Thierry GARCIN, Space as a Power Asset
Aminah MOHAMMAD-ARIF, India and its Power
Yves BOYER, The Bush Administration : a Year of Defense Policy
Burckard SCHMITT, Defense industry in Europe
Debate : Euro
Gérard LAFAY, Will Euro be sustainable ?
Dominique PLIHON, Euro : an unfinished construction
Juridical policies
Emmanuel DECAUX, Death Penalty as a New Stake in International Relations
Joe VERHOEVEN, Precaution Principle, International Law and International Relations. A Few Remarks
Globalization, developement, and societies
Zaki LAÏDI, The Stakes of World Governance
Guy FEUER, Towards Paradigm Changes in International Action for Development ?
Alexandra NOVOSSELOFF, The rise of multilateralism : principles, institutions and common actions
Theoretical approaches
Thierry BRASPENNING, Constructivism and Reflexivism in International Relations Theory
Isabelle LEBRETON-FALEZAN, International chronology
1.France and the world
Daniel COLARD (Université de Besançon)
Andrej SZEPTYCKI, The Gaullist Vision of European Order
2.France and the construction of Europe
Fabrice PICOD (Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2))
François RIVASSEAU and Andréas MICHAELIS, Après le Traité de Nice : l’harmonisation du discours franco-allemand à travers le processus de Blaesheim
Christian BIDEGARAYand Sylvie STRUDEL, Of European citizenship and Other Shenanigan
3. The European Union as an actor of the international relations
Eric REMACLE (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Daniel MEIMETH, A Square Peg in a Round Hole. Perspectives For a Common Security and Defense Policy
André DUMOULIN, The Revival of the Concept of “European White Paper” on Security and Defense
Jean DUFOURCQ, European Commitment in Crisis Management : a Case of Military Situation
Jérôme VANACHTER, Finland and the “Nordic Dimension Initiative”
Sophie ENOS – ATTALI, Austria and European Union’s Eastwards Enlargement
4. American foreign policy
Guillaume PARMENTIER ( IFRI et Panthéon-Assas)
Pierre MELANDRI, Justin VAISSE, George W. Bush’s Exterior Policy
Michaël E. KRAFT, Domestic and International Determinants of U.S. Environmental Policy
Ivo DAALDER, Karla NIETING, U.S. Missile Defense Policy
5. Disarmament and non-proliferation
Jean-François GUILHAUDIS (Espace Europe – Grenoble)
Paul DAHAN, Beyond Arms control ? Searching for Paradigm Lost…
Henri GARRIGUE, The United States and Biological Negotiation. Chronic of a Predicted Divorce
6.Security doctrines
Bernard SITT (Université Marne-La Vallée)
Valérie NIQUET, The Popular Republic of China’s Security Doctrine
7. International crisis and conflicts
Yves BOYER (Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique)
Milan MILANOV, South-Eastern Europe Twelve Years Later. Between Reforms and Crises, Closer to Crises
Anatole AYISSI, Civil Society and Conflict Resolution in West Africa
Frank NEISSE, Settling the Conflict Between Western Sahara and UNO. For Which “Third Way” ?
Régine SERRA, Inter-Korean Dialogue : Negation, Reciprocal Recognition and Stalemates
8.International political economy
Michel RAINELLI (LATAPSES – Sophia-Antipolis
Mehdi ABBAS, The Political Economy of the World Trade Organization Agenda
9. New technology and international relations
Bertrand WARUSFEL (Université Paris V)
Bertrand WARUSFEL, Technology and Security after September 11th, 2001
10. Media and international society
Michel MATHIEN (Université Robert Schuman, Strasbourg)
Pierre MUSSO, Vivendi as the New Champion in Information Capitalism
11. Global governance
Eddy FOUGIER, The Anti-Globalization Protest Movement
Yves JEANCLOS, Food Security at the Beginning of the 21st Century
Uploaded in : 2005
AFRI, volume II, 2001
Jean-Christophe Romer, “Russian foreign policy under Boris Yeltsin”
Hirotaka Watanabe, “Japanese diplomacy after the Second World War”
Cécile Jolly, “The difficulties of an emerging State : the case of Palestine”
Wichard Woyke, “Germany and European Power”
Nader Jalillosoltan, “The Caucasus and the importance of petroleum in the Caspian Sea”
Laurence Blanchard, “Health services of armies and NGO’s : humanitarians hand in hand?”
Debate : The nature of the European Union
Gilles Andréani, “Federalism and European institutional reform”
Philippe Moreau-Defarges, “The European Union as a Federation” ,
Jean-Jacques Rosa, “The sovereigntist vision”
Theoretical approaches
Mehdi Mozaffari, “For a global standard of civilization : the triangle of Ethics, Law and Politics”
Pascal Vennesson, “The Realists against intervention. Arguments, deliberation and foreign policy”
Yves Roucaute, “Cuba : the Power and Powerlessness of a Utopia”
Jozef Kukulka, “The Laws Governing the Development of International Relations”
Pierre Vercauteren, “The State Crisis in the European Union : A Redefinition as a Way Out ?”
The opening of French society
Marc Dixneuf, “The Internationalization of Administrations : Antagonistic Perspectives”
Guillaume Devin, “French Foreign Tourism. Remarks on International Mobility”
Sylvaine Poillot-Peruzzetto, “The Lobbying of French Firms Alongside European Institutions”
France and the world
Daniel Colard, “The French Diplomacy of Disarmament Under The Fifth Republic. 1958-2000”
Roland Adjovi, “French Policy Towards Africa”
Jean-François Daguzan, “French-Algerian Relations or the Search for Friendly Incomprehension”
Valérie-Barbara Rosoux, “The Weight and Uses of the Past in French-Algerian Relations”
France in the construction of Europe
J. Dutheil de la Rochère, “The Charter of Fundamental Rights”
Olivier Rosenberg, “The Common Foreign and Security Policy as seen by French public opinion”
The European Union as an actor in international relations
Sibylle Bauer, “The Europeanization of Arms Export Policies”
Anthony Forster, “The Perspectives of an Independent European Security Policy”
European security architecture
Alexandra Novosseloff, “Cooperation Between the United Nations and European Security Institutions”
Jérôme Montant, “The Reshaping of WEU”
American foreign policy
Jacques Beltran, “The United States and the “rogue State” concept : towards the end of containment?”
Alexandra Novosseloff, “The United States and the United Nations”
Timothy Conlan and Michelle A. Sager, “States Relations Outside of Their Union”
Disarmament and non-proliferation
Abdel Wahab Biad, “The Agreement to Adapt the CFE Treaty Along Conventional European Forces”
Raphaël Prenat, “The Issues at Stake for the International Science and Technology Center”
Security doctrines and theories
International crises and conflicts
Thierry Tardy, “Intervention in the Nineties : Thoughts on an Evolving Concept”
Isabelle Facon, “The Second Chechnyan War : Political and Military Aspects”
International political economy
Eric Brousseau, “The e-Economy: What’s New ?”
Jean-Marie Cardebat, “Open Economy and the Job Market”
New technology and international relations
Media and international society
Nicolas Pelissier, “The Mutations in Journalism Following the Advent of the Internet”
Dave Atkinson, “From the Exception to Cultural Diversity”
Global governance
Hélène Ruiz Fabri, “The WTO, an Organization in Crisis?”
Thomas Bernauer and Erika Meins, “Consumer’s protection in a global market”
Yves Jeanclos, “Water Security at the End of the 20th Century”